Wednesday, June 30, 2010

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Pastor's Weekly Rundown

Looking forward to Church @ the Beach this Sunday (July 4th). I can't think of
a better way to spend the 4th of July than getting together with over 200
friends for music, fun in the sun, and great food. Call a friend and ask them to
join you. We'll have plenty of food.
Always love [...]

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Pastor's Weekly Rundown

Had a great time at the beach on Sunday. Huge thank you to everyone who made it
I love the fact that we have the opportunity to baptize people in the ocean. 
My 5 year old son kept asking me, "Daddy why were you 'bath-um-atizing' those
people?"  I'm sure many other people at the beach [...]

Thursday, June 10, 2010

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Pastor's Weekly Rundown

I'm looking forward to our first Beach Sunday of the year. If you would like to
be baptized at the beach, let me know by using the links on the Beach Sunday
The reactions to last Sunday's message on Pure Sex have been overwhelmingly
positive. The boldness to speak a message like that comes from [...]

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Pastor's Weekly Rundown

We had a great time this past weekend at the Parade. There's nothing like being
able to praise God before a few thousand people. Oh, and we won 2nd place in the
float competition.
There were 300 people at Essential Church on Memorial Day weekend!!! Are you
serious??? Normally that's one of the lowest attendance days [...]

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Free Audio Book

One of my favorite authors, Francis Chan, has written a great book about the
Holy Spirit. This month you can download the audio book for free from Christian
Audio. It's an offer you can't pass up. There's no catch. There's nothing to
sign up for. Just enter the coupon code JUN2010 when [...]

Beach Sunday, June 20

We will be having church at the beach on June 20th, which is Father's Day.  We
will meet at Little Island State Park in Sandbridge.   The service will start
at 10: 30 am. (There won't be any services held at our building that morning.)

This is a great time to invite friends!  Immediately following the [...]

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Ladies Craft Day

On Saturday, June 5 from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm we will have a ladies craft day at
Essential Church, 4020 Ware Neck Drive in Virginia Beach.

Bring whatever craft you are interested in - scrapbooking, jewerly, quitling,
etc.  Everyone can hang out and work on their craft.  For more information,
contact Melissa Swisher or Pat [...]