Tuesday, May 24, 2011

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Pastor's Notes (5-24)

Here's my notes from the Q&A this past week.  The questions we looked at this
past week were: What about the guy on a desert island whose never heard about
Jesus, how can he become a Christian?  Is it ok to be cremated?  Can a person
who committed suicide go to heaven?  Is killing someone [...]

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Youth Mission Trip Sign Up

I am so excited to announce that Essential Student Ministries will be going to
Knoxville, TN from July 24th – July 30th to participate in Operation

Operation Backyard provides free home repair services for low-income
homeowners. Youth teams with adult supervision provide work, so everyone
benefits. Volunteers experience the reward of [...]