Wednesday, March 30, 2011

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Becoming Essential April 10

Our next class is on Sunday April 10.  Class attenders meet in the foyer
immediately following our second service to find out more about Essential. 
This is the place to hear the Essential story and to find out how to become
involved at Essential.   A meal and childcare are provided.  Sign up here to
reserve your spot!

Service Opportunities

Meals for Cormier/Longmore Families
Maggie Cormier has breast cancer.  She is having 18 weeks of chemotherapy
before her double mastectomy.  Depending on the biopsies after her surgery she
might need radiation and more chemotherapy.  Joe and Maggie live with Joe's
parents, Sonny and Christy Longmore.  Christy will be taking care of Maggie as
well as Joe [...]

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Brock Gill Date Night FAQ's

Will there be tickets available at the door? There will be a few tickets
available for purchase on the night of the event.  You can also still purchase
tickets online here.

What's the schedule for the night? The foyer will be open at 6:00, the doors to
the auditorium will open at 6:30.  Justin Harris [...]

Thursday, March 17, 2011

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Guest Speaker at the 9:30 service

This week, pastor Jeff Jordan, will be preaching at the 9:30 service.  I'll be
speaking at the 10:45.  We're both sharing the same message.  Jeff has been a
friend of mine for the past 18 years and was in my wedding.  He's interviewing
at another church in Virginia and this will give them [...]

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Childcare for Date Night (3-24)

**The youth and some of our adult volunteers will be providing childcare in
order to raise money for their summer mission trip.  If you need child care,
bring the kids with you on to Date Night and make a donation of any amount
towards the youth mission trip.

What Is It? The entire night is [...]

Youth Mission Trip

Pastor's Notes 3-16

This week, a friend of mine will be preaching at the 9:30 service.  I'll be
speaking at the 10:45.  We're both sharing the same message.  He's
interviewing at another church in Virginia and this will give them a chance to
hear him. He and I served as missionaries together to the Super Bowl back in

Friday, March 11, 2011

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Pastor's Notes 3-10

As of right now, almost half of the available tickets to the Date Night with
Brock Gill on March 24th have been sold.  When it sells out, it's sold out. 
Even if you can't make it, buy two tickets for a friend who doesn't go to
church.  I can't think of an easier way to [...]

Thursday, March 3, 2011

[EssentialChurch] Twice Daily Digest Email


Pastor's Weekly Blog

It's been a few weeks since I've posted, but there's so much going on I just
couldn't help but post this week.

First off, YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS SUNDAY!!! Got a great story to share
with you about someone who was willing to listen to God's voice and act on it. 
It was a [...]