Wednesday, December 17, 2008

What will it take?

OK, perhaps you can help me with this one. We are about to do our first mailer in January. I have avoided doing one because they are so expensive. So, if we are going to do a mailer I want to get as much out of it as possible. The goal is to get people to do the following as a result of the mailer we send out:

1. Notice it.
2. Go to our website.
3. Sign up to be added to our email list on the website.
4. Come to church.
5. Accept God's love and forgiveness through Christ.
6. Allow God to change their life.
7. Help others do the same.

Check SpellingOk, so maybe that's a lot to expect out of a mailer, but that's where the process will start for some. How many are impacted by the mailer depends on the first three things. So how do you get someone to notice your mailer, go to your website, and voluntarily give you a valid email address? BRIBE THEM!!!

What would get your attention, make you want to go to your computer and enter a web address, and enter your name and email? Would you do it for an ipod touch? A flip video camera? A calender with 12 pictures of me on it, one for each month? Seriously, what would get you to take action?

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